Wednesday, November 21, 2012

30 Days, 30 Posts: Adoption...Online Education, Magazines & Books

I have even more resources to share!  With the help of a few friends, I have compiled a list of online classes, an adoption magazine, children's books and parents' books.  My friends and I have either read, purchased, or had the following materials recommended to us.  Enjoy!  

Online Adoption Education & Classes:
     Adoption Learning Partners

Adoption Magazine:
      Adoptive Families Magazine   
Children’s Books:
- Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born, Jamie Lee Curtis (most applicable for international adoption and/or traveling home on an airplane)
- The Day We Met You, Phoebe Koehler (Simple "first meeting" story)
- God Found Us You, Lisa Tawn Bergren 
- God Gave Us You, Lisa Tawn Bergren
- A Blessing From Above, Patti Henderson (simple story that uses animals to introduce an adoption)
- I Don't Have Your Eyes, Carrie A. Kitze
- I Wished for You: an Adoption Story, Marianne Richard
- Shaoey and Dot: Bug Meets Bundle, Mary Beth Chapman and Steven Curtis Chapman
- Shaoey and Dot: The Christmas Miracle, Mary Beth Chapman and Steven Curtis Chapman
- Over the Moon: An Adoption Tale, Karen Katz (I just love her illustrations & she is an adoptive mama!)
- The Colors of Us, Karen Katz (not specific to adoption, but does celebrate the many different colors of people)

Adoption Books for Parents:
- Raising Adopted Children, Lois Ruskai Melina
- Adoption is a Family Affair, Patricia Irwin Johnston
- I Wish for You A Beautiful Life: Letters from the Korean Birth Mothers of Ae Ran Won to Their Children
- The Connected Child: Bring hope and healing to your adoptive family, Karyn Purvis, David Cross, Wendy Sunshine
- Message from an Unknown Chinese Mother, Xinran
- A Passage to the Heart: Writings from Families with Children from China, Amy Klatzkin
- The Waiting Child: How Faith and Love of One Orphan Saved the Life of Another, Cindy Champnella
- Forfeiting All Sanity: A Mother's Story of Raising a Child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Jennifer Ross Taylor
- No Biking in the House Without a Helmet, Melissa Fay Greene

For more book recommendations, check out the Adoptive Families online bookstore.  Click here.

Don't miss a thing! Follow the entire 30 Days, 30 Posts: Adoption series.
Day 18: 30 Days, 30 Posts: Adoption...Online Shopping

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