Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What's That? Wednesday: The View from My Window

Some days it seems that the constant in China is change.  The view from our apartment has been changing since the day we moved in.  We used to have a bit of a green space across the street with a small stream and lotus flowers.

We took this photo from our living room
window in August 2011.  See the bit of green
down there?
I took the next four photos in December 2012.  Green space be gone.  I counted at least 6 cranes working simultaneously.  A 74-story building built across the street.  It is supposed to represent the "Gate to the East", but instead it has been nicknamed Big Pants.  When it is completed Big Pants will be the largest gate-shaped structure in the world and a huge mall.

A whole lot of lot of concrete
and construction.

Now, looking out our dining room window, we can watch a large television screen.  It is at a major intersection and replays a video promoting the wonders of Suzhou, over and over.  At night, the screen lights up some of the apartments in our buildings.

And this is what it looks like when it snows!  Last winter we had no snow in Suzhou (maybe a morning of sleet), but it has snowed three times this winter.  Just enough to dust the ground, but no sledding for our family.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. And sorry you get to view the underpants ;) for now. But think about it- in the future you will have conversations about how your family witnessed the construction of the 'Gate to the East'. Cool shots.
