Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cross that off the bucket list

There are a few publications in Suzhou that expats follow to stay connected to the activities in town.  One is called "What's On" city calendar ( and the other is Open magazine.  Each month a few local expats are featured in Open magazine and our realtor approached us about being in the magazine.  Many times the expat families will mention the realty company in the magazine, so it's good advertising for the realtor.  I said yes as a favor to our realtor who has been fantastic.  I really didn't think anything would come of it and I forgot about it.

EBean's interest in the
magazine is waning
At the very end of September I got a call from Open magazine and we were asked to be featured in the October issue.  They wanted to do the article in the next two days, and were we available?

Thankfully the person who did the interview was my friend and photography class teacher, so it turned out to be a really fun experience.  The last part of the interview was to get our picture taken for the feature, but the girls were so tired (Wednesdays are LBean's late night at school), and we didn't get any family pictures taken that night. So, I had to come up with some of our own photos to be included with the article.

I fired off a quick email to my friend Kara back in the States and asked if she would be okay with us using the family photo that she had taken last fall for the magazine.  She was great and said "no problem!"

I jokingly told someone that now that we've been in the magazine, it's time to move back...that's all we came for.  Actually, I just went to the grocery store this week and the cashier pulled out last month's Open and pointed to the picture (she thought EBean was the big sister).

The featured photo (

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